The Leading Edge is our weekly look-over-our-shoulder at what we’re reading around this Internet thing. Want to participate? Send us what you’re reading by tweeting it to us – @CBMWEdge. You should follow us too. Now, on to the Edge.
NC Marriage Amendment Challenged – It’s not surprising that North Carolina’s marriage amendment has been challenged. What’s interesting is that it has come by way of a church – albeit a liberal denomination that denies the authority of Scripture and a closed Canon.
Amendment Doesn’t Violate Religious Liberty – After reading the first story, you may be inclined to think that all marriage amendments across this country pose a serious threat to religious liberty. Ryan Anderson explains why you would be wrong.
Gene Robinson Files for Divorce – The narrative is that same-sex marriage is just like traditional marriage, thus the divorce of the first openly homosexual Bishop of the Episcopal Church ought to be normative, right? What this HuffPo piece leaves out, however, is the church’s undisputed teaching against divorce – not to mention the uber-narrative of the left that same-sex marriage would increase fidelity to marriage. Someone ought to write an article about that. (Yes, I’m soliciting someone to write an article about that so we can publish that here!)
Religious Liberty After the Church Service Ends – Sen. Rick Santorum provides a hard challenge to those inclined toward apathy in the face of growing threats to religious liberty in America. Take time to watch this instructive speech.
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